
The human rights scenario of Bangladesh of 2005

62 killed in bomb attacks and Political Killing 310 and 396 die in hands of law enforcement agencies Incidents of bomb attacks by the religious militants were the much-talked issues of year 2005. Serious bomb attacks in 63 districts of the country on August 17, killing of two judges, and death of policemen and lawyers in […]

January 1, 2006 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Bangladesh Telecommunication Ordinance 2005 : national security or infringement on civil rights?

Article by Arafat Amin, Researcher, Odhikar. Tapping a telephone does not only infringe the privacy of the person who owns the telephone, the interception subject – it also affects anyone who calls or is called by that person. If communications relating to medical, religious, journalistic or legally privileged material are likely to be involved, the […]

January 1, 2006 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Report 2005 : investigation, research and publication of human right violation

2005 is the third and final year of Odhikar’s project, “Investigation, Research and Publication of Human Rights Violations” funded by the Academy for Educational Development (AED) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This report is the final report for this project and compiles the out puts of the project activities, including fact […]

January 1, 2006 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Asia regional meeting on the International Criminal Court

This was the second of the South Asian Regional conference of the ICC advocates, which Odhikar planned to organize annually. This was aimed at bring ICC advocates from South Asian region to review activities of research, campaign and ratification advocacy, to share experience and to further strategize the ICC campaign for South Asian region. ICC […]

November 20, 2005 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

International Criminal Court : shield for victims and witnesses

In the struggle towards International Justice, participation of the victims in the criminal proceedings is a very innovative approach and it breaks the age-old tradition of judicial process. It makes justice more accessible and at the same time victims have a control over the whole process and, undoubtedly, participation of the victims strengthens the cases. ICC […]

June 25, 2005 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Rome Statute and summary of ICC mechanism

The international criminal court was conceived as a respond to the culture of impunity enjoyed by the powerful perpetrators of the offences of gravestnature. It was established through the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court by 120 states on 17 July 1998.The International Criminal Court (ICC) is the first ever permanent, […]

June 20, 2005 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }