The Human Rights Report 2008 is one of the reports that Odhikar brings out at the beginning of a new year, consolidating and compiling its various reports published over the preceding year. Odhikar focuses on host of rights guaranteed under international human rights instruments and those protected by the Constitution of Bangladesh. It monitors violations of the right to […]
Human rights concerns 2007 : Odhikar report on Bangladesh
In 2007, there has been a general deterioration of democratic values and political tolerance culminating in increasing fragmentation of the society breeding non-negotiable antagonistic positions and open violence. Following the escalation of increasingly violent clashes between members of rival political parties allegedly over the independence of the state bodies tasked with conducting national elections, the Army intervened on 11 January […]
The state of human rights in Bangladesh 2006 : an Odhikar report
The current human rights situation in Bangladesh reflects an increasing global erosion of the gains achieved by the socio-political struggles of the people against repression at various levels – family, community and the state. Violations of human rights in Bangladesh are challenges faced by the country routinely every year. Unfortunately, old issues remain largely unresolved […]
The human rights scenario of Bangladesh of 2005
62 killed in bomb attacks and Political Killing 310 and 396 die in hands of law enforcement agencies Incidents of bomb attacks by the religious militants were the much-talked issues of year 2005. Serious bomb attacks in 63 districts of the country on August 17, killing of two judges, and death of policemen and lawyers in […]
Odhikar report of the year 2004 on human rights violations in Bangladesh
The year 2004 witnessed an alarming escalation inhuman rights violations. From 01 January to 31 December 526 people were killed, 6235 injured 2918 arrested and 28 abducted in incidents concerning political violence. 240 people were killed in the hands of law enforcers. Of them, 149 were killed in ‘cross fire’. Last year, the figure was […]
- Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN)
- Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
- Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL)
- International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
- International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
- World Organization against Torture (OMCT)