Tag Archives | Arrest

Akash and Tikka shot and killed by RAB at Khoksha, Kushtia

It was learned from the accounts of witnesses and the RAB that Golam Hossain Akash (35) from the village of West Bishoikhali of Jhenaidah district was arrested at around 2.00 am on June 18, 2008 by RAB-6 of Khulna and RAB 12 of Kushtia from the village of Udibari of Kushtia. On the other hand, […]

June 27, 2008 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

A man allegedly tortured to death by police at Narayanganj

A man named Fakir Chan (35) from the village of Mijimiji of Siddhirganj Upazila (Sub-district) in Narayanganj district was arrested from Maulvibazar by the police on April 13, 2008. The police authorities urged that while Fakir Chan was in police remand, he fell ill and was taken to the hospital on April 19, 2008 when […]

June 13, 2008 | Read full story | Comments are closed

A man was allegedly tortured to death by the police of Kushtia

The family members of Akhtar Hossain (35) alleged that at 2 am on March 10, 2008, Akhtar Hossain was physically tortured to death by the Police of the Kushtia Sadar Police Station. However, the Police commented that he was killed by a mob as he went to collect extortion money behind Bismillah Fish Hatchery at […]

May 10, 2008 | Read full story | Comments are closed

One allegedly beaten to death in the custody of Botiyaghata Police Station in Khulna

On 7 March 2008 in the afternoon, a team of Khulna district Detective Branch of Police (DB Police) arrested Abul Hossain Dhali (25), a resident of the Boichana village of Shatkhira district, from Khunla Zero Point and handed him over to the Botiyaghata Police Station. The police authority of the Batiyaghata Police Station stated that […]

May 7, 2008 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights concerns 2007 : Odhikar report on Bangladesh

In 2007, there has been a general deterioration of democratic values and political tolerance culminating in increasing fragmentation of the society breeding non-negotiable antagonistic positions and open violence. Following the escalation of increasingly violent clashes between members of rival political parties allegedly over the independence of the state bodies tasked with conducting national elections, the Army intervened on 11 January […]

January 1, 2008 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Human rights monitoring report : July 2007

Human-rights-monitoring-report-july-report-2007-eng (full text in English, PDF) Human-rights-monitoring-report-july-report-2007-ban (full text in Bangla, PDF)

August 1, 2007 | Read full story | Comments are closed