
Human rights monitoring report: May 2016

The May 2016 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Hindrance to freedom of expression and the media Political violence and vote rigging in local government elections Allegations of enforced disappearance Extrajudicial killings Attacks and harassment on inhabitants of Gondamara in Banshkhali Unlawful acts of […]

June 1, 2016 | Read full story | Comments are closed

BANGLADESH: Families demand return of their disappeared dear-ones within the month of Ramadan

May 27, 2016 (Hong Kong, 26 May 2016) Members of families of 19 disappeared victims once again took to the street, yesterday, 26 May 2016. They formed a “human chain” in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka to demand the return of their loved ones within the month of Ramadan. Prominent human rights […]

May 27, 2016 | Read full story | Comments are closed

BANGLADESH: “We want our disappeared son back”

An article from the parents of enforced disappeared victim Imam Hassan Badal forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission May 26, 2016 “Dear Journalists: Assalamu Alaikum. My name is Ruhul Amin. Four years ago, on May 12, 2012, in this very Press Club, I did a press conference in front of you all, for the […]

May 27, 2016 | Read full story | Comments are closed

A new phase of attack on Odhikar by the Anti Corruption Commission

Odhikar is facing severe state oppression since 2013 due to reporting on enforced disappearances, torture and extrajudicial killings and conducting human rights monitoring activities. As part of the oppression, Odhikar and local HRDs, who are associated with Odhikar, are facing false charges, detention, intimidation and harassment. Odhikar’s computers were confiscated and they contained sensitive and […]

May 27, 2016 | Read full story | Comments are closed

“The inspiration is always the people”- An interview with Adilur Rahman Khan, Secretary of Odhikar, Bangladesh

5 May 2016 10:42 am After talking with its new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, FORUM-ASIA met with the Secretary of Odhikar, Adilur Rahman Khan. Adilur has been re-elected for the second time in a row to represent its organisation in the Executive Committee of FORUM-ASIA. Adilur is a practicing lawyer of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, […]

May 12, 2016 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights monitoring report : April 2016

The April 2016 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Further hindrance to freedom of expression and the media  Political violence and vote rigging in Union Parishad elections Extrajudicial killings  Shooting in the legs of detainees Allegations of enforced disappearance Public lynching continues Human rights […]

May 10, 2016 | Read full story | Comments are closed