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প্রেস বিজ্ঞপ্তি: কোটা সংস্কার আন্দোলনঃ অবিলম্বে ছাত্রলীগের দুর্বৃত্তদের গ্রেফতার করুন; কোটা সংস্কার করুন!

৩ জুলাই ২০১৮ গত ৩০শে জুন থেকে আবার নতুন করে শুরু হওয়া সরকারী চাকুরীতে কোটা সংস্কারের দাবিতে আন্দেলনরত নারীশিক্ষার্থী সহ শিক্ষার্থীদের ওপর আওয়ামী লীগ সমর্থিত ছাত্রলীগের ভয়াবহ হামলা এবং হুমকী, পুলিশ কর্তৃক আন্দোলনকারীদের কর্মসূচী পণ্ড করে দেয়া, আন্দোলনের সাথে জড়িত এক কর্মীকে তুলে নিয়ে গিয়ে গুম করে দেয়া এবং ১ দিন পরে গ্রেফতার দেখানো, অপর […]

July 4, 2018 | Read full story | Comments are closed

The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention adopted opinions concerning Adilur Rahman Khan

On 10 August 2017, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention transmitted to the Government of Malaysia a communication concerning Adilur Rahman Khan. The Government has not replied to the communication. The Working Group notes that Mr. Khan was held during a period of approximately 14 hours at a holding facility at Kuala Lumpur international Airport. […]

December 6, 2017 | Read full story | Comments are closed

A Joint Statement by the AHRC, AFAD and Odhikar, on the Day of International Criminal Justice

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission, the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances and Odhikar, on the Day of International Criminal Justice BANGLADESH: Affording justice to victims is not on the State’s agenda Hong Kong/Dhaka/Manila; 17 July 2017: One of the three main goals of Bangladesh’s War of Independence was ‘social justice’ coupled […]

July 17, 2017 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Letter from the Anti Corruption Commission

Dear Friends This afternoon I received a letter from the Anti Corruption Commission which stated that the investigation regarding the money laundering allegations against Odhikar had yielded no proof and had thus been recorded as having been ‘resolved’.  I have attached the original Bangla version and an English translation here. Once again, thank you so […]

June 22, 2016 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Statistics on human rights violations in 2015

According to information gathered by Odhikar, human rights situation in 2015 was found to be grave concern. Statistics on human rights violations in 2015 can be found here both in Bangla_2015 and English_2015.

January 2, 2016 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights monitoring report : October 2012

The October 2012 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, and deals specifically with the following areas: Human rights violations by Indian BSF Political violence Odhikar and ALRC jointly submitted UPR report at the UN HRC Obstructions on political meetings and processions Extrajudicial killings Police (in) actions Verdict on the […]

November 1, 2012 | Read full story | Comments are closed