
Violence against women still exists though 100 years have passed after the declaration of International Women’s Day

March 8 is International Women’s Day. Though 100 years have passed after its declaration, violence against women has not decreased.

Domestic violence, violence related to dowry, rape, acid throwing, illegal Fatwa and sexual abuse are prominent forms of violence in Bangladesh. Poor women are subjected to violence relatively more because of their social discrimination.

The root of violence against women in Bangladesh is mainly patriarchy. However women’s rights are not preserved due to the weaknesses in the police and Judicial systems. Unfortunately, police still consider domestic violence as a social issue; and corruption and greed ensure that the testimonies and complaints of victims are stalled. Furthermore, intervention from local influential peoples, often in the form of financial and political gain, give protection to the perpetrators. As a result, new criminals are created, more and more women become the victim of violence and there is still no justice for them.

Violence women exists-Event report-2012 (full text in English, PDF)

Violence women exists-Event report-2012 (full text in Bangla, PDF)


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