
BANGLADESH: Annual Human Rights Report 2023

Ahead of the country’s national elections on 7 January 2024, Odhikar has published the annual human rights report 2023, which monitors the country’s human rights situation in accordance with international human rights laws and standards. The information contained in the report is based on data provided by human rights defenders and published in various international […]

January 7, 2024 | Read full story | Comments are closed

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women: Statement from Odhikar

Dhaka, 25 November 2023: 25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Even though 24 years have passed since the UNGA decided to observe this day in 1999, women in Bangladesh, and the world over, are still not free from various forms of violence. Violence against women is rampant in […]

November 25, 2023 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Three-Month Human Rights Monitoring Report on Bangladesh : July – September 2023

The human rights situation in Bangladesh has taken a dire shape due to the authoritarian regime, which has been in power for almost 15 years – including 10 years without peoples’ mandate; and involved in gross human rights violations, targeting political opponents, dissidents and human rights defenders and gagging freedoms of expression. Odhikar has prepared […]

October 10, 2023 | Read full story | Comments are closed

JOINT STATEMENT: Free Khan, Elan; stop attacks against HRDs in Bangladesh

15 Sep 2023 The organizations represented here firmly denounce the conviction of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) Adilur Rahman Khan and Nasiruddin Elan of Odhikar in Bangladesh. On 14 September 2023, the Dhaka Cyber Tribunal sentenced Khan and Elan to two years in prison with a fine of 10,000 Bangladeshi Taka under the draconian digital security […]

September 15, 2023 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Defend the Defenders: An open letter the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the protection of human rights defenders in Asia

  15 September 2023 The Asian Federation against Enforced Disappearances (AFAD) joins the international human rights community in strongly denouncing the conviction by the Cyber Tribunal of Dhaka sentencing Adilur Rahman Khan and ASM Nasiruddin Elan, Secretary and Director of human rights organization Odhikar respectively, to two years imprisonment for being fearless activists in defense […]

September 15, 2023 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights breaches in Bangladesh  

Human rights situation in Bangladesh, notably the case of Odhikar Expressing their deep concern at the deteriorating human rights situation in Bangladesh, MEPs call on the government to restore a safe and enabling environment for NGOs, human rights defenders, activists and religious minorities. Bangladesh must uphold the country’s international commitments, particularly under the International Covenant […]

September 15, 2023 | Read full story | Comments are closed