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Author Archive | odhikar team

International Women’s Day and violence against women in Bangladesh

8 March is International Women’s day. Though a hundred years have passed since the declaration of women’s day and 39 years have passed since the independence of Bangladesh, the condition of women in Bangladesh leaves much space for improvement. Violence against women is prevalent in this country especially against women who come from the impoverished […]

March 7, 2011 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights monitoring report : February 2011

The February 2011 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: the Prime Minister’s statement and following extra-judicial killings the whereabouts of a shopkeeper, picked up by RAB, remain unknown the demand for withdrawal of cases against people who demonstrated at Arial Beel arrests under Anti […]

March 1, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Teenage girl Felani killed by the BSF firing at Anantapur border under Kurigram district

South Ramkhana is a village at the Bangladesh border under Naggeshwari Upazila of the Bangladesh-India border district of Kurigram. Most of the occupants of this impoverished village are either farmers or make a living by agriculture. Due to poverty and a very poor and difficult communication system, most children of this locality cannot go to […]

March 1, 2011 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Odhikar’s concern about Anti-Terrorism Act 2009

February 23, 2011 24 February 2011 marks the second anniversary of the enactment of Anti-terrorism Act. Odhikar would like to express and reiterate its grave concern on the Act that was passed in the very first session of the current Parliament on February 24, 2009. Earlier, on February 19, 2009, the Government, at a Cabinet […]

February 23, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Bangladesh : mid-term assessment and report on the Universal Periodic Review

Bangladesh has so far failed to implement the promises made before the international community in the Human Rights Council, on key human rights issues. The elected government of Bangladesh, within weeks of coming to office in first week of January 2009, sent a high profile delegation, headed by the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh, Dr. Dipu […]

February 10, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Discourse on the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women

 25th November, 2010 Press Release To commemorate International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women, a discussion forum had been arranged by Odhikar on 25 November 2010. Secretary of Odhikar Adilur Rahman Khan; the Chief Executive of Bioscope Kazi Jesin; the Program-Coordinator of Odhikar Taskin Fahmina; from Sromo Bikash Kendro Shahinur Begum; General Secretary of […]

November 25, 2010 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }