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Statement Submitted to Mr. Maina Kiai, the Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association

Bangladesh: Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association in Jeopardy: Voices of vocal human rights defenders and organistions gagged Even though forty three years have passed since the liberation of Bangladesh, her people are still struggling to constitute a democratic state, based on equality, human dignity and social justice. The present government led by Awami League […]

September 22, 2014 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Stalkers must be stopped

Schools and colleges can form a coordinated committee including guardians, teachers, social workers, law enforcement agencies and so on to fight against stalkers. Social awareness programmes should be included in order to create moral values against stalking, writes Taskin Fahmina Another news of a teenage suicide came up recently. Umme Kulsum Ritu, a 15-year-old student […]

September 17, 2014 | Read full story | Comments are closed

BANGLADESH: People’s rights cannot be conceived without the existence of the rule of law

A Press Release by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (Hong Kong, September 12, 2014) “People’s rights cannot be conceived without the existence of the rule of law, in any given territory,” says the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) in a new edition of its quarterly journal, article2, examining the inexistence of the rule of law […]

September 13, 2014 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Written statement submitted by Odhikar to the UN HRC: Voices Gagged: The Persecution against Human Rights Defenders in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh human rights violations are rampant. There are allegations of torture, disappearance and extra-judicial killings perpetrated by security forces, including the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and the Detective Branch of Police (DB). According to information gathered by Odhikar, between August 01, 2013 and August 24, 2014 at least 51 persons have become victims of […]

September 7, 2014 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights monitoring report : August 2014

The August 2014 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Political violence Extrajudicial killings Torture in custody Allegations of enforced disappearance Parliament’s power to impeach judges Situation of ready-made garment workers Barriers to meetings and assemblies Freedom of expression and the media Information and Communication […]

September 1, 2014 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Adilur Rahman Khan’s interviews on enforced disappearance with BBC Bangla

Odhikar’s Secretary Adilur Rahman Khan has given an interviews to BBC Bangla on enforced disappearance. Interview 01 can be heard Interview 02 can be heard

August 30, 2014 | Read full story | Comments are closed