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A day-labourer killed by BSF in the Nabin Nagar Khalpar border at Meherpur

Nazrul Islam (40), a day labourer from Baribaka village in Meherpur district was shot dead by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) on 22 January 2010 at 4.30 am in Nabin Nagar, Khalpar border near the no. 116 pillar, as he tried to cross the border fence between India and Bangladesh. He was a poor […]

January 22, 2010 | Read full story | Comments are closed

A young boy died after being tortured by BSF in the Thakurpur Border at Damurhuda, Chuadanga

On 21 January 2010, Hasnat Halsham Inu, a 15-year-old boy, was tortured by the BSF at the Thakurpur border in Chuadanga district of Bangladesh. Hasnat and his family lived in the Sakolia village which is located next to the Ichamoti River and makes up the border between India and Bangladesh. On the fateful day, at […]

January 21, 2010 | Read full story | Comments are closed

A Bangladeshi farmer picked up by BSF from the Rotnai border of Thakurgaon District and detained in Indian jail

Mohammad Dilbar Hossain was a farmer who lived in the village of Barosha under Baliadangi Police Station in Thakurgaon district which fell near the Indian borders Sonamothi. On the Bangladesh side the village is within the pillar no 382 sub-pillar 3 at the Rotnai border. Dilbar was living with his wife and father. He had […]

January 19, 2010 | Read full story | Comments are closed

A Bangladeshi citizen was killed by BSF at the Kazipur Border in Gangi, Meherpur

Shahidul Islam, a 37-year-old Bangladeshi was killed by the BSF shooting along the Kazipur border in Meherpur district at some time between the evening of January 14 and morning of 15 January 2010. Kamala Khatun, wife of Shahidul Islam, told Odhikar that Shahidul was released from anĀ Indian prison, about six weeks ago where he had […]

January 14, 2010 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Shafiqul Islam allegedly stabbed and killed by the BSF at the Uksa border, Kaliganj under Satkhira District

On January 13, 2010 early in the morning, Md. Shafiqul Islam (27), a resident of Sheetalpur village of Kaliganj Upazila under Satkhira District was allegedly stabbed and killed by the BSF members at Barunhat camp of the Hasnabad Police Station under North Chobbis Pargana in India. It was learnt during the fact-finding mission that at […]

January 13, 2010 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Missing of a Bangladeshi farmer from the Nitpur border area under Naogaon District

Abdur Rashid, a poor farmer, who also worked for cattle traders to make ends meet, has been missing since 10 January 2010. According to a witness who accompanied Abdur Rashid, on 10 January, ten of them were bringing cows from India through the crossing between Tikapara and Pannapara border. Everyone tried to escape when the […]

January 10, 2010 | Read full story | Comments are closed