
Annual activity report : 2003

Odhikar has attempted to highlight the human rights situation in Bangladesh with documentation, investigation, research and monitoring activities. This means especially highlighting the negative side of the balance. The situation in the police stations is still something to worry about; inmates are harassed, the system is corrupt due to various factors and innocent people get arrested under harsh laws. The jail situation is deplorable too. Jails are overcrowded, in deplorable condition, nutrition and hygiene are grossly inadequate and it definitely not a place for women and children.

In 2003 Odhikar raised awareness about these and other issues. Odhikar believes that stressing the negative side of the human rights balance will make people realize the necessity for a healthy State respecting human rights and, in the end, hopefully make it put much more weight on the positive side of the balance.

Annual_activity_report_2003 (full text in English, PDF)


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