
Abdul Mazid from Raninagar in Naogaon shot dead by police

Abdul Mazid (25) from the village of Bhatkoi under Raninagar Upazila in Naogaon district left home at around 7.00 am on June 12, 2008 to appear before the court. However, he did not return home that day. When Mazid’s wife enquired about her husband at the Raninagar Police Station, she was told that the police station knew nothing about him. She was advised to go the local hospital to make enquiries. She went to the local hospital and found the dead body of her husband under police guard. When she was returning from the hospital, she learnt from a few people, who also went to appear before the same court on June 12, that when Mazid had come out of the court room, two people in civilian clothes took him away. She was also informed that when some people tried to ask those two people why they were taking him away, some police officers who were present stopped them. Mazid’s wife alleged that police in plain clothes had arrested him and later killed him in a planned manner. However, the Raninagar Police Station authority stated that they were informed by a confidential source on June 13, 2008 that a group of activists from Purbo Banglar Communist Pary – ML [Red Flag], an ultra-left political organisation, were organising a secret meeting near a bridge in the village of Akna Bashbaria. The police also stated that they acted upon the information and raided the place at around 1.00 am on the same day, which led to a gunfight between the police and the ‘extremists’. According to the police, Mazid was killed in ‘crossfire’ during the gunfight.

Naogaon-Mazid dead police-Extra judicial killing-2008 (full text in English, PDF)

Naogaon-Mazid dead police-Extra judicial killing-2008 (full text in Bangla, PDF)

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