Families of the victim’s alleged that, Mohammad Mizanur Rahman (35), Mohammad. Aslam Sheikh (35), Mohammad Manik (29) and Mohammad Jalal (28), were arrested on the morning of 29th June, 2010, by Sub Inspector (SI) Anisur Rahman. Mizan’s family claimed that, early morning of 29th June at around 4:30 am, police personnel arrested Mizan from their residence at […]
Human rights monitoring report : May 2010
The May 2010 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Extrajudicial killing Allegations of death in Police custody Whereabouts of a wood merchant unknown after arrest by RAB Continuance of political violence Attack on journalists Government Blocks Facebook Allegations of a Boro leader being handed […]
Human rights monitoring report : April 2010
The April 2010 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Bhola-3 by-election result disputed: post-election violence continues Verdict on BDR mutiny trials at Panchagar, Thakurgaon, Feni and Satkhira BDR trial at Dhaka continues – trial at Bandorban commences Channel 1 closes down Attacks on journalists Arrests under […]
Human rights monitoring report : January-March 2010
The January-March 2010 three-monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Government (in) actions regarding ‘extra-judicial killings’ Crossfire/encounter/gun fight Death caused by torture Disappearance The Government shut down the photo-exhibition on ‘crossfire’ Odhikar rejects the Statement of the Director General of RAB Bangladesh and India: border […]
Odhikar condemns BSF firing at Bangladeshi citizens in Jointapur, Sylhet
March 15, 2010 Statement On March 14, 2010, the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) opened fire at the Jointapur frontier in Sylhet District which left 15 Bangladeshi citizens injured. The people at the border area had bound to leave their villages due to the sudden attack by the BSF. A tense situation exists all around […]
Teenager killed by BSF at the Wahedpur border under Chapainababganj District
The people of Bishroshiay Charpaka village under Shibganj Thana, Chapainababganj are mourning the death of Shaymol Karmokar. Shaymol Karmokar (17) was the only barber in the village and with his death by the bullets of BSF on 27 January 2010; no one in the village cuts their hair or shaves in the salon any more. […]
- Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN)
- Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
- Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL)
- International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
- International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
- World Organization against Torture (OMCT)