At around 5:00 am on 24 July, 2011 the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) allegedly killed Mohammed Rafikul Islam (35) of Ufarmara village (which is under the jurisdiction of Patgram Police Station, Lalmonirhat) by throwing stones at him. The river Saniajan flows between the ‘BS Bari BSF Camp’ and ‘Khorkhoria BSF Camp’ in India towards Bangladesh through the […]
Mohammad Salim Uddin electrocuted at the India–Bangladesh border
Generally, barbed-wire fences are placed 200 yards inside from the Bangladesh-India border pillar. The members of the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) guard the border on Indian Territory on the other-side of the fence. There are some border areas on which the Indian government has yet to put up barbed-wire fences. These areas have bamboo […]
Odhikar’s statement to commemorate International Justice Day
Odhikar has been commemorating International Justice Day for many years now both on its own and as part of the International Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC). On this day, the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was adopted by the international community to end impunity for perpetrators of the most serious crimes […]
Monzila Khatun Sathi was attacked by acid allegedly by her husband, Liton
On the evening of 9 July 2011, at around 7.30pm Liton, the son of Kader Ali and Khadeja Begum of Chadkathi village of police line area of Satkhira threw acid on and burnt the face, neck and breast of his wife Moshammot Monzila Khatun Shathi (20), the daughter of Yunus Ali and Moshammot Rokeya Khatun […]
Habibur Rahman Haoladar of Morelganj of Bagerhat district allegedly abducted by law enforcement agencies
Habibur Rahman Haoladar Habib (48) is a fishmonger of Gora, Katakhal area of West Betbunia village under Morelganj Police Station of Bagerhat district. At around 5.30 am on 6 July 2011, the police of local Police Station, Armed Police Battalion, and District Detective Branch (DB) Police, with the help of some local people, arrested him from his house. […]
An insurance company employee given a 6 month prison sentence by a mobile court and allegedly tortured in Gulshan Police Station custody upon an accusation of setting fire to a car in the evening of July 05 before the Hartal of July 06 and 07
On July 05, 2011, senior assistant officer Khandaker Ashaduzzaman (32) of Reliance Insurance Limited and his colleague (who wishes to remain unnamed) spent the entire day at the office. At 7:59 pm (check-out time as entered on the office online register) the two colleagues headed out from the Mohakhali office in Dhaka to go home. Since the Bangladesh […]
- Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN)
- Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
- Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL)
- International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
- International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
- World Organization against Torture (OMCT)