
A furniture trader shot dead by the Detective Branch of Police in Kushtia

At 3.30 pm on August 24, 2009, the Detective Branch (DB) of police in Kushtia arrested Shahinur Rahman Dablu (38) of the village of Shaldoho Kushtia at his house. It has been alleged by the family members of late Dablu that he was shot and killed by the DB the following day on August 25, […]

October 24, 2009 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Allegation of a shrimp merchant being shot to death at Tala, Shatkhira

At around 7.30 pm on August 18, 2009, Mohammad Lutfor Rahman Gazi (32) from the village of Shahapur, Tala was arrested by the police of the Shatkhira Police Station from the house of Advocate Shabuj at Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah Road. It has been alleged by the family of the victim that the police took Lutfor […]

October 18, 2009 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights monitoring report : January-September 2009

The human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh during the first nine months of 2009, specifically describing the following areas: Despite the Government’s declaration of zero tolerance, 97 have been killed extrajudicially in the past 9 nine months Torturing of BDR members in custody must stop Odhikar torture prevention programme has […]

October 1, 2009 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Defending human rights of women : a note from Bangladesh

Since the early part of the last century, Begum Rokeya Shakawat Hussain was engaged in defending the human rights of women. Like many women of her time and as now she also used the notion of ‘Nari Mukti'(emancipation of women) meaning freedom from all forms of violence, discrimination and inequality. She worked hard till the […]

September 25, 2009 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Women of Pakistan remain as part of the patriarchic society under discrimination and injustice

There are 72 women in the current National Assembly and more prominent positions are being held now by women than ever before, including the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Federal Ministers and a number ofdeputy and provincial positions. None of these women wear hijab, suggesting progressiveness in the parties who have elected them. Certain […]

September 25, 2009 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Women human rights defenders in Bangladesh

In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft wrote, in her Vindication of the Rights of Women, that the struggle for rights of women is located within the personal space – the home and the family; and within the public sphere – the political and economic world. More than two hundred years later, around the world, women are now […]

September 25, 2009 | Read full story | Comments are closed