August 10, 2014 is the first anniversary of the abduction and detention of the Secretary of Odhikar, Adilur Rahman Khan, for defending human rights. Since 2009, Odhikar has been suppressed and put under pressure by the present Awami League regime due to its ability to be vocal against violations of human rights. The Organisation has gone through several bouts of crisis, hindrance, harassment and adversity; brought about by the government and its agencies. The levels of surveillance and intimidation by the authorities have gone through different phases. Odhikar experienced high levels of harassment after the submission of its human rights report at the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review, at the UN Human Rights Council in April 2013. The report highlighted violations of human rights and criticized the state actors for perpetration and neglect. Odhikar has to now endure serious crises, both financial and practical due to impediments created by the government, through the NGO Affairs Bureau. Because of its credible human rights reporting; and its non-partisan, outspoken and vigilant stand, Odhikar is a constant target of state repression.
Statement_odhikar_10 August 14_Eng (full text in English)