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Young man shot dead by RAB in Narayanganj Bandar Upazila

The family of Mahey Alam Bipu (32) alleged that Bipu was shot dead by a special patrol team of RAB-11 at Narayanganj Bandar Upazila in Narayanganj district on 5 March 2008. However, RAB-11 claimed that Bipu was killed in an encounter between RAB and the cohorts of Bipu. Narayanganj-Man dead Bandar-Extra judicial killing-2008  (full text […]

May 5, 2008 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Human rights monitoring report : April 2008

The April 2008 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Judgment of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court on restraining of granting bail Anti‐terrorism ordinance Extrajudicial killings Rape Dowry Acid violence Bangladesh‐India border violence Death in jail Freedom of expression Arson at Rangamati  Hill […]

May 1, 2008 | Read full story | Comments are closed

15 months of emergency in Bangladesh : right to food must be guaranteed

Odhikar continued monitoring the human rights situation, including infringement of rights, during the State of Emergency proclaimed on January 11, 2007. The report below summarises the status of human rights during the 15 months of the State of Emergency. It also highlights new crises that emerged since imposition of nationwide emergency. This report covers the […]

April 12, 2008 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

One killed by police gunfire in Kushtia

Akbar Ali (55) was the son of late Mofizur Rahman (Mofi) Mondol and a resident of the village Nawdapara in Chithlia Union Parishad under Mirpur Upazilla in Kushtia district. Akbar’s family alleged that he was killed by the police of the Mirpur Police Station on 9 February 2008 at around 10:00 in the morning. On […]

April 9, 2008 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights monitoring report : January-March 2008

The human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh during the first three months of 2008, specifically describing the following areas: India Bangladesh border violence Extrajudicial killings Death in jail Freedom of expression Violence against women The report closes with statistics on violations and a list of 4 recommendations to the government […]

April 1, 2008 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Indian Border Security Force (BSF) killed 3 people in Thakurgaon border

It was reported that on 30 January 2008 Moshir Uddin (27), Ataur Rahman (26) and Shahidul Islam (20) were killed by Indian Border Security Force (BSF) at Bangladesh-India border at Baliadangi upazilla1 in Thakurgaon district. Thakurgaon-BSF killed people-Fact Finding Report-2008  (full text in English, PDF) Thakurgaon-BSF killed people-Fact Finding Report-2008 (full text in Bangla, PDF) […]

April 1, 2008 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }