Odhikar, FIDH and the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) published a joint report, entitled “Slap on the wrist: Impunity for human rights violations against Santal community members in Bangladesh”, based on a fact-finding mission conducted by Odhikar from 19 to 22 November 2016. The report documents a series of attacks against members of the Santal community in Gaibandha District by police and state-owned company workers in connection with Santal ancestral land claims that came to a head on 6 November 2016. Three Santal were killed, 15 wounded, and hundreds were left homeless as a result of the 6 November violence. Perpetrators have been meted out token punishments that resulted in a number of police officers involved in the incident being transferred or suspended. No one has been subject to criminal charges.
Santal_EM_Gaibandha_19-22 Nov 16 (full text in English, PDF)