
About odhikar team

Author Archive | odhikar team

Accession to the Convention on Enforced Disappearance would strengthen the human rights protection in Bangladesh

May 26, 2011, Dhaka; A group of 35 media persons and human rights defenders urged the government to accede to the

May 26, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

World Press Freedom Day

May 03, 2011 World Press Freedom Day is observed every year on 3rd May worldwide. This is the day to evaluate press freedom, create awareness regarding the importance of an independent media and to remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression. To observe the World Press Freedom Day, these programmes took […]

May 3, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Human rights monitoring report : April 2011

The April 2011 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: HSC examinee undergoes amputation after being shot by RAB Deaths in police custody Extrajudicial killings continue Torture of a child at the Khulna Police Station BSF killings at the border continues Hartal Attack on political […]

May 1, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Human rights monitoring report : January-March 2011

This human rights monitoring report covers the three month period from January to March 2011. The main areas of issue within the report are as follows: Reported statistics show that every 3 days 1 person is killed extra-judicially Bangladeshi girl killed and hung on barbed wire fence by BSF Complainant receives threats by the killers […]

April 1, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Annual Human Rights Defenders Conference-2011

Odhikar, in association with the May18 Memorial Foundation of South Korea organised the Third Human Rights Defenders Conference to review the human rights situation in the

March 13, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

3rd Annual Human Rights Defenders Conference : press release 2011

The 3rd Annual Human Rights Defender’s Conference inaugurated today at CARITAS Development Institute, Dhaka. The conference organised by the Odhikar, a human rights organisation working in Bangladesh with the assistance of The May 18 Memorial Foundation, Korea. In this conference of human rights defender organisers of Bangladesh

March 12, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }