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Author Archive | odhikar team

Human rights monitoring report : July 2011

The July 2011 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Fifteenth Amendment Bill 2011 passed in Parliament Hartal, mobile court and the political situation Interference in political meetings and assemblies Dhaka University Student tortured by police President’s clemency for person accused of murder Six students […]

August 1, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Odhikar’s statement to commemorate International Justice Day

Odhikar has been commemorating International Justice Day for many years now both on its own and as part of the International Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC). On this day, the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was adopted by the international community to end impunity for perpetrators of the most serious crimes […]

July 17, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

Human rights monitoring report : January-June 2011

This human rights monitoring report covers the six-month period from January to June 2011. The main areas of issue within the report are as follows: Political violence continues into 2011 Political violence related to elections Extrajudicial killings Death in custody Public lynching Rapid Action Batallion (RAB) in the news The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2009 and […]

July 1, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

International Day in support of victims of torture

26th June, 2011 Press Release On 26th June, 2011, Odhikar arranged a discussion forum at the National Press Club and rallies in six divisional cities across the country for the ‘International Day in Support of Victims of Torture’. Bangladesh, one of the signatories of the United Nations Convention against Torture, ratified it in 1998. However, […]

June 26, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }

One Bangladeshi killed and two shot and wounded by the BSF at the Gazipur border under Satkhira district

On April 18, 2011 at around 1.00 am, Rekatul Islam (17) was shot dead by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) near the sub pillar 4 of the International pillar 4 at Gazipur border under Satkhira district. Mohammad Shahadat Hossain (25) and Mohammad Zakir Hossain (28) were injured when the BSF opened fire at them […]

June 20, 2011 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights monitoring report : May 2011

The July 2011 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Extrajudicial killings continue RAB submitted an investigation report accusing Limon and family members University student disappears after being ‘abducted’ by RAB from the jail gate Home Ministry cautions the National Human Rights Commission Killings and […]

June 1, 2011 | Read full story | Comments { 0 }