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Author Archive | odhikar team

Human rights monitoring report: February 2017

The February 2017 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Political violence Criminal cases withdrawn out of political consideration Hindrance to freedom of assembly Hindrance to freedom of expression and the media Illegal detention and harassment Extrajudicial killings Enforced disappearances Torture and inhuman treatment Public […]

March 1, 2017 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Joint Written Statement for the 34th session of the UN HRC on Bangladesh: An Increasingly Repressive Environment for Dissenting Voices

Since the controversial Parliamentary Election in January 2014 the human rights situation in Bangladesh has significantly worsened. Allegations of violations including torture, enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings perpetrated by security forces against dissenting voices, including human rights defenders and political opponents have become widespread. Perpetrators enjoy almost complete impunity despite repeated demands to bring responsible […]

February 13, 2017 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Written Statement on Myanmar for the 34th session of the UN HRC: Stop Ethnic Cleansing of the Rohingyas in Myanmar

Odhikar brings the situation of the Rohingya Muslim community of Myanmar’s Rakhine state to the notice of the United Nations Human Rights Council to seek immediate effective intervention from the international human rights community to protect the victims from ethnic cleansing. The Rohingya is a Muslim minority community in Myanmar living mostly in the country’s western Rakhine […]

February 13, 2017 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Joint NGO Alternative Report to the UN Human Rights Committee on Bangladesh (119th Session – 6-29 March 2017)

The human rights situation in Bangladesh is far from being satisfactory. From May 2013 to December 2016, Odhikar documented 727 cases of alleged extra-judicial killings by law enforcement agency; 232 persons were forcibly disappeared after having allegedly been picked up. Although Bangladesh enacted several laws to curb gender-based violence, however, in practice women continue to […]

February 6, 2017 | Read full story | Comments are closed

মানবাধিকার প্রতিবেদনঃ জানুয়ারী ২০১৭

জানুয়ারী ২০১৭ এর মাসিক মানবাধিকার প্রতিবেদনে বাংলাদেশের মানবাধিকার অবস্থার নিন্মোক্ত বিষয়গুলো বর্ণনা করা হলোঃ রাজনৈতিক সহিংসতা ও দুর্বৃত্তায়ন অব্যাহত সভা-সমাবেশে বাধা ও হামলা গুম বিচারবহির্ভূত হত্যাকাণ্ড চলছেই নির্যাতন ও মর্যদাহানিকর আচরণ সংবাদ মাধমের স্বাধীনতায় হস্তক্ষেপ নিবর্তনমূলক তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি আইন বলবৎ শ্রমিকদের অধিকার ধর্মীয় সংখ্যালঘু ও ক্ষুদ্রজাতিগোষ্ঠির মানবাধিকার লংঘন নারীর প্রতি সহিংসতা বাংলাদেশের প্রতি […]

February 1, 2017 | Read full story | Comments are closed

Human rights monitoring report : January 2017

The January 2017 monthly human rights monitoring report describes the human rights situation in Bangladesh, specifically describing the following areas: Political violence and criminalisation continue Hindrance to freedom of assembly Enforced disappearances Extrajudicial killings Torture and ill-treatment Hindrance to freedom of the media Repressive ICT Act remains Violation to Workers’ Rights Violation of human rights […]

February 1, 2017 | Read full story | Comments are closed